Rylee and Max my cute niece and nephew
So....one of the days we were there I was swimming in the water just minding my own business, washing my hair, when all of the sudden I felt a fish take a nibble at my leG!!! No body believed me, naturally, I had almost convinced myself that it didn't happen when once again the fish came after me. Adam was determined to prove that I wasn't crazy so he spent about an hour in the water with these cool goggles on and finally got fish to swim right up to him. (Undoubtedly the same fish that tried to take something out of my leg).
He even decided that he was going to catch one of these creatures. He made this interesting fishing net and went in the water for about half the day trying to catch the fish. He finally got one. Branden (my brother-in-law) told Adam that he did not believe in his fish catching abilities and that it was just a fluke that he caught that one fish. He did not think he could catch a second one. So Adam spent the rest of the day trying to prove Brandon wrong. Unfortunately it never happened but I certainly think it would have if Adam was just given a little more time. The sun just went down a little to early that day :)
SIDE NOTE: For those of you that don't know My husband really loves fish....I mean like really. It's kind of creepy. I am sure that that was a day he had always dreamed of.
P.S. Don't worry we were laughing at Adam's get-up....we aren't THAT weird.
How fun! I swear a fish bites you at Lake Powell every time!