Sunday, January 9, 2011

2010 in review......a week late.

It has been such a great year! Adam and I can not believe that we are where we are. We feel that we have been so blessed this year and have been given much more than we deserve. God is Good. Here is our year in review.
January: I started student teacher and my last semester at BYU
February: Adam got into UTSW!!!
March: Nothing exciting :)
April: Graduated From BYU
May: Went to California with some friends

June: Went to New York with my mom and sisters
July: Went to Utah for my cousins funeral and my grandma's 90th b-day party
August: Adam started medical school. We celebrated our two year anniversary. We made lots of new friends

September: Started my new job at Franklin American Mortgage Company
October: Adam became a real "doctor" and got his white coat

November: Cruise

December: Had our own Christmas in Dallas and went to Utah for a week


  1. sounds like a good year!! I love the pic of you and adam on the day he got his 'white coat' - its really cute of you two!! also, we were so sad that we couldn't come see you guys on New years eve. my father in law had a huge bday bash for his 50th bday. I heard we missed out on catch phrase. DANG!! Hope you guys are doing well!

  2. It was a big year for you two, graduation, moving, medical school, and your new job! It was so much fun to see you over the break. Happy New Year!
