So I admit it. I truly am a blogging failure. The only reason my blog was seeing so much success the last year is because I had a job that allowed me to blog while at work. Those days are loooong gone and I am back to real life where people actually work 8 hours a day and are not just at work for 8 hours a day. (Side Note: Another reason why my blogging has tapered of is because my computer has not been wanting to upload pictures. Me trying to get a picture to upload on this computer is like watching my mom try to check her e-mail on her own. Embarrassing and frustrating for all involved.) So here is how the last two weeks of our summer has gone down.
I started my new job. I "get" to wear scrubs and I haven't decided if that is a good thig yet or not. I love my job. It has been a little stressful getting used to it but I think I am going to love it.
Adams parents came up for a little visit. We weren't able to go down to Houston because I had to work a lot of the time they were here but we are glad they came up. We ate a lot and played a lot of games. Adam and his dad went golfing six times while they were there. I don't know how they could stand it. It has been at least 110 for like a month. It is starting to get to me. We have to keep our apartment at 80 degrees so we are pretty much constantly sweating.
While Adams parents were here we also went to the street where JFK was shot. It was pretty interesting. There are a bunch of people that just stand out there and try to tell you the "truth" about what really happened. I believe them. I could really see myself getting educated on different conspiracy theories. Youtube 911 conspiracies and try to disagree with me. (That's a joke by the way...I don't want the CIA after me.)
Last and it is the least
Adam started school on Monday. He is still getting back into the swing of things, picking out his test shirt (if that didn't make you laugh you don't know my husband that well and I will explain at a different time), deciding what pens are going to be best for this year, and organizing all of his papers, but I already can't count how many times he has said, "Katie stop, I have to study." It has only been 2 days people....It could be a long year.
Scrubs would be awesome! It get so tired of getting ready for work. I do miss you blogging though, maybe when Adam is in the thick of things you'll have more time. Good luck with year number two!