Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor day in chronological order

1. Unpacked some more of my new apartment. Only a couple of boxes left

2. My Purse exploded on the counter because I was looking for my debit card I had lost. I was trying to buy something on the internet. After calling everywhere we had been the last 3 days I walked back to the computer and found it was sitting right by the computer. I had already taken it out of my purse for the purchase. I am ridiculous.

3. Purchased above said item: A ticket to come to Utah in early October! I am so excited to see my little brother. He gets home from his mission September 28.

4. No explanation needed.

5. I went to work and Adam went to campus to study. Not to eventful.


  1. you guys are so cute!! please bless that I get to see you when you come out in october?!

  2. Is that a granola thin?! I love those things. Can we do a lunch while you're here? Please?

  3. SOOO excited you are coming home in Oct. Can't wait to see you.

  4. I have a feeling this upcoming weekend will be a tad more eventful;)

  5. Hey we moved too! Will you be in Utah for Thanksgiving? That's when we'll be there.
