Sunday, October 7, 2012

It has been a while since I blogged.... I know. Mostly it is because I am lazy and don't feel like I have anything funny or entertaining to say. But last week something happened that was kind of funny. Adam and I were driving to one of my doctor appointments and we saw a man on the side of the road in a wheel chair. Well the side walk had a crack in it and he was stuck in the crack. We were stuck at a light and watched him for a minute and realized he wasn't going anywhere. There were a lot of cars zooming right past him. Adam made me pull over.(Yes I was driving. Adam was studying. Story of our lives.) Adam stuck his head out of the car and said, "Sir. Do you need some help?" He said, "Hell yes I do." (direct quote. dont judge me.) Adam ran over and pushed him out of the crack in the side walk. Off the guy rolled. Adam likes to tell people he was a vietnam vet but we don't really know if that is true. Adam also likes to say it is a general conference talk story in the making.... I don't know about that either. While Adam was doing service I was in the car taking pictures.
 My everyday HERO!!
Since the last time I posted some other things have happened.
 1. Adam turned 27. He is old.
2. I went to Utah to visit my family.
3. Many trips to Houston to visit Adam's family.
4. We found out I am pregnant and we are going to have a baby girl in February
Number 4 is a pretty big deal because we have been wanting a kid for a while. I had 2 miscarriages and seen some doctors and I was able to get pregnant and stay pregnant for longer than either time before. Little did I know that when I got pregnant for the 3rd time it was just the beginning of 5 months and counting of anxiety that something would go wrong. Right now everything seems okay and no matter what happens I am so grateful to be halfway done with my pregnancy and so grateful that I have had the opportunity to experience pregnancy this far. We are really excited that we are going to have a baby girl and feel so grateful that this trial was so minimal for us compared to so many people that desire children.
 Here is the belly from 15 weeks to 20 weeks.


  1. haha Seriously Adam cracks me up!! he is so funny! I hate that you guys live in Texas :( I didn't know that getting pregnant had been so difficult for you guys, I'm sorry you guys had to go through that but so happy and grateful that all is well and you will be having a baby girl in february! Katie, you are gonna be such a good mom and Adam is gonna be a great dad as well. Hope life is wonderful!

  2. Haha... maybe we'll hear Adam's story next general conference. You guys seriously are going to be the best parents. You are both so funny! I hope we can get together when we are in Utah for Christmas.

  3. Katie you look Beautiful. We are so happy for you guys and Molly is especially excited that you are having a girl. :)

  4. Awww Adam is such a sweetheart!! So excited for your little girl!!

  5. You look fabulous! I am so happy for you Katie (and Adam), and thank you for spending some time with me while you were here, it was very nice.
    As for the story, I read it out loud to Ian and we both couldn't stop laughing. Adam is hilarious.
