Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tummy Time Fail

The doctor kind of gave me a hard time about not putting Allie on her tummy enough. She tells me that she needs to be spending 2 hours a day on her tummy. Doesn't that seem excessive? I have really been trying to up her tummy time and comply with the doctor. I hate tummy time. Allie either spends it screaming or sleeping... as shown below. 

She got grounded for life when I found her like this.

But then she gave me these pictures and she was instantly ungrounded. 

Okay mom I'm done!

{I got a new camera a few weeks ago and am trying to bring back my old photography skills. Still struggle with the settings sometimes hence the light changing a little from pic to pic. But I am OBSESSED with my camera and my photo subject. Obviously.}


  1. Noelle is looking at these with me and shrieking "BABY! BABY""

  2. Tummy time is hard! After a few days of tears Carter started to enjoy it a little more. Your little Alice has the cutest wardrobe ever! I want to wear her clothes. Oh, and she has the cutest face ever :)

  3. oh my gosh!! those pictures! i want copies to hang up in my house :) haha seriously she is the cutest

  4. you can never be mad at her when she is in that yellow outfit. Never. It's so cute. She is adorable. And I hate tummy time. It makes every baby so mad.
