Friday, August 2, 2013

5 Months

Yep, you guessed it. Another month went by. I can not believe it. Make it slow down! Soon she is going to be half a year old. Do you understand what that means?? That means we are half way to her being 1 and I am just not ready for that!
This was a pretty big month at our house.
  • Alice is still the best sleeper. Puts herself to sleep and sleeps anywhere from 9-12 hours. 
  • I have recently moved her into her own room. I know I am a little slow but I am still hating it. I love having her right by me in the night (and all the time) so I have a little separation anxiety but she doesn't seem to mind at all. I am sure this is just a glimpse of how the future is going to be.
  • Rolling over is no longer a novelty. Allie can get around. She rolls over every time she is set down. She is starting to roll all over the house. 
  • Bouncers and swings are officially old news. Last week Allie was playing in her room, in the bouncer, while I was getting my house ready for a baby shower. I got in to check on her and she is on her belly across the room from the bouncer. It still is unclear how 1. She got out of the bouncer and 2. she got across the room. I have a feeling my life is about to change dramatically. 
  • She is all smiles all the time. She smiles at just about anyone as long as I am holding her.
  • Her hair is long enough to clip in a bow (sort of). She is much better at getting the clipped one out then the headbands though. We may be sticking to headbands for a while. 
  • That milk allergy...She still has it and my life is still sad. A couple times I have tried adding non-obvious dairy things back into my die, like bread and chick-fil-a, and her poop gets weird again :( 
  • She has started this thing.....She likes to eat her clothing and her blankets. I keep telling Adam I don't know how to break that habit and she is going to be one of those kids at school thats collar is all stretched out because she has been chewing on it for the past 6 hours.
  • She started sitting up this month too. She is not the most stable child but she is getting pretty good.
  • I don't think crawling is far off because Allie is pushing up on all fours during tummy time.

We love her so much! 


  1. Oh man these are such such such cute pics. I love the one where she is sitting and her hands are propping her and she has the biggest smile. Do you know which one I am talking about? If not, it doesn't matter bc they are all amazing.
