Yesterday was our 2nd Anniversary!
It was so much fun. I picked Adam up from School and we went to this restaurant called III Forks.....It was soooo good. Dallas has this thing (that lots of places have) called restaurant week. A whole bunch on the really expensive nice restaurants create a three course menu for about $30 a person. So III Forks is one of these restaurants and it just happened to fall over our anniversary. The food was so delicious and we had so much fun talking about all of the good memories we have had over the last two years. After dinner we went to Ikea and got greatly anticipated kitchen chairs. (we have been living without them for the last three months) All in all it was a really fun night and I was reminded how lucky I am to be married to someone that loves me so much and that makes me laugh all the time.
Love you adam.
So sweet! Happy Anniversary! Can't wait to see your chairs..