Thursday, June 23, 2011


I would like to publicly apologize to...
The entire country of India. It is not your winter. I am sorry you are situated in the Northern Hemisphere not the southern. I guess we should have had Brazilian food yesterday.
The geography program at BYU. I really should have known that but you should be the one apologizing to me since I didn't.
Children that read my blog and are now forever going to spread the lie that it is India's winter when it is summer here.

How these apologies came to be...6/22/2011 10:45 pm
Adam: "read me your blog post from today"
Katie: in shock and amazement "Ok..." I proceed to do so. As I make it through the first line....Then comes the part where I say India is in the middle of winter.
Adam: "'s not winter in India. Doesn't look like your degree did you anything. bahahahah."

Really it is embarassing. Not that I got this wrong because really I was just trying to be funny. Because my husband caught one of my geography mistakes. He would be the worst.geographer.ever. trust me.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha oh katie I love you! becca warned me that you would be writing this apologetic blog post. I forgive you
