Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We love any reason to celebrate!

Yesterday was summer solstice. Most of you know what that is but for those of you who didn't take 9 billion geography classes in college it is the longest day of the year. Not to be confused with perihelion which is when the earth is the closest to the sun...but that celebration day is in January. I started my summer solstice celebrations when I was living in Juneau Alaska for the summer. The days are ridiculously long there anyway. On summer Solstice and for about 2 weeks surrounding it doesn't get dark at all!
Our celebration started out with Indian food, naturally. Since it is Winter over there (I think) we thought we would send them our positive summer solstice vibes by eating there food.

Please notice the mauve booth behind me. Surely it came from a denny's that was flooded in the 80's.
Then we went and exercised.

We don't want to lose to much weight so after we exercised we went and got McFlurry's. They were awesome. Then spent the rest of the night walking around the canals by our apartment. It got dark at apprx 9:23. It was a good celebration.
After our walk we played speed...I won every time.
Convo after game
He: "Im not good at games."
Me: "I know but your good at other things like being smart."
He: "I would rather be good at games. That would get me places in life."
Sometimes he's crazy.


  1. Fun! I didn't even realize, we could have had a party too!

  2. Sorry, this is Samantha, I didn't realize I was signed in as Ian...

  3. I am dying laughing at you right now. I read this out loud to my mom and can't even speak. You are too funny and I really miss you. Are you coming home soon? Please bless before I move away.... Love you Kat.

  4. I need to send summer vibes to India so that maybe they will send me some of their summer in the winter. Cody told me he is in your ward. So fun. I'm really hoping we head down there by you guys next year. It would be fun.
