Tuesday, June 4, 2013

3 months

The 3 month old Allie...

  • Allie now loves the bumbo. She sits in it a lot throughout the day and watches me get ready or do the dishes. 
  • Smiling and cooing are her new favorite tricks. She is constantly talking and making happy noises. She is super smiley these days. Especially in the mornings. 
  • She is now sleeping 9-10 hours at night some times even 11. I am to the point now that she is sleeping more than I want to sleep so I find myself with free time after she goes to bed. It is kind of a weird feeling. 
  • She still eats about every three hours in the day.
  • She has decided dad is not so bad. She likes him now and will even smile at him when he talks to her. She finally lets him hold her. This is probably my favorite change since last month.
  • She naps great. Either in her crib or in the car seat on the go. At home all we have to do is swaddle her and put her binkie in her mouth and she puts herself right to sleep. It is amazing. Her naps are short though. She usually only sleeps about 45 minutes to an hour but always wakes up happy.
  • She loves her binkie
  • She still hates tummy time. She can lift her head off the ground but only for a few seconds at a time. She gives up pretty quick and just starts crying. Give the girl a break she has a giant head. 
  • She is starting to like toys. Showing a lot more interest in them than last month.
  • Mirrors are pretty awesome these days. She gets so excited every time I put her in front of the mirror and she recognizes her reflection.
  • She loves the stroller and being outside. It always calms her down.
  • She went to the beach for the first time and was a pretty good trooper. 
  • She hates the wind.

Now I am going to bombard you will a billion pictures that all look exactly the same to you. But to me and hopefully her someday they wont :) 

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