On Christmas the little miss turned 10 months old! I can't hardly believe it! she doesn't seem much like a baby anymore. It is super fun but pretty sad too!
- This was a big month for Allie! Beginning with a new found refusal to allow me to photograph her. As pictured above. She was not happy about wearing that sticker!
- She went to the doc this month since we were out of town at 9 months. She is 18 lbs which is the 24th percentile. She just keeps dropping in weight!
- She started standing up by herself. She doesn't even have to pull up on anything anymore. in the middle of the room she can just stand up, even with toys in her hands!
- She cruises all over every piece of furniture she can find.
- Sleep has still been a bit of an issue. I think mostly because we have been traveling soooo much. I have started making her cry it out when we are home and we don't have visitors which has been about 4 days in the last 60.
- She now has 8 teeth. 4 of which JUST broke through.
- She took her first step. Yes it was just a step. She doesn't seem to want to walk unassisted besides that one step. But, she loves walking assisted and with the toy walker.
- She started waving all the time and to everyone. Often, we even get the double wave!
- She LOVES stuffed animals. It is so weird/funny. Anytime she sees a stuffed animal she squeals crawls over to it as fast as possible and snuggles it. She is always giving her stuffed animals loves!
- My child LOVEs black beans. She freaks out whenever she sees them and has to have them!
- Still hates most veggies. Loves most fruit.
- She is curious and always on the go. I am in trouble when she really gets moving fast.
- We play peek-a-boo about 500 times a day because it is her favorite.
- The kid loooves Sesame Street. This is often a life saver.
She looks so grown up to me and as cute as ever! Carter loves black beans, too! I wish I could get him to eat fruit.